Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Guilt Trip

I don't know why i thought this would be funny.  I'm not a Barbra Steisand fan, and in this movie she PARTICULARLY annoyed me, playing very well the overbearing Jewish mother to Seth Rogan (why are ALL mothers in ALL movies crazy and overbearing?)  It wasn't terrible. I liked its "realness" (they looked, dressed, and pretty much acted like real people).  No consideral sappiness that I thought would be the ending that could have REALLY ruined it for me. It was passable and somewhat entertaining.  I saw a bit of myself in Barbra as a mother in dealing with an "all about me" and sometimes condescending child.  I liked the part where she gave him a talking to to ground him.  As I say when I visit a just OK restaurant, OK, but there's nothing to ever bring me back.

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