Tuesday, October 22, 2013

White Noise/The Blair Witch Project

This is one of the few movies that TRULY TERRIFIED me.  I saw it in the front row of the movie theater when it first came out in 2005.  Even when Maury Povich had a few episodes dedicated to communicating with the dead this way (via EVP, or basically radio static) on his daytime show, I got shivers up me spine!  In my work lunchroom.  No more Maury, stick to your whomybabdydaddyshows!  I want to be scared again by a horror movie (I've practically forgotten what it's like) but I'm too scared to watch this again.  The Blair Witch Project also frightened me for 3 WHOLE DAYS afterwards.  I know, I know.  Most of you thought that movie was laughable.  Maybe it was because I was still young and wholesome when I saw it.  I was afraid to go to the bathroom mid movie but I hurried and did so as fast as I could.  I would look up at my ceiling fan at night and see the 5 blades and think it was the voodoo figures that were hanging in the woods.  I was (and still am) terrified of the woods at dark.  My young husband at the time and I vowed not to scare or frighten each other during that tender aftermath. 

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